Current Project: Doctor Who Bookmarks

Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge Doctor Who fan. I am what they call a “Whovian”. I have a TARDIS cookie jar, Dalek pepper shaker (RIP the TARDIS salt shaker), mugs, the 4th Doctor’s scarf, a TARDIS blanket, books, DVD/blurays, colouring books, tattoo – oh I could go on and on. Why do I love Doctor Who so much? I feel like this quote sums it up pretty well…

“When they made this particular hero, they didn’t give him a gun, they gave hi a screwdriver to fix things. They didn’t give him a tank or a warship or an x-wing fighter, they gave him a call box from which you can call for help. And they didn’t give him a superpower or pointy ears or a heat ray, they gave him an extra heart. They gave him two hearts. And that’s an extraordinary thing; there will never come a time when we don’t need a hero like the Doctor.”

– Steven Moffat
*most* of my Doctor Who collection

While I haven’t watched all of the classic Doctor Who episodes, I have watched a good chunk of the 1st-3rd Doctors and a little bit of the 4th Doctor. Which is how far I’ve gotten in creating each Doctor’s unique bookmark. Maybe this is why I stopped where I did (much like how I struggle to create bookmarks based on books I haven’t read). My household was also hit with a nasty cold and I’m trying to prep for a couple of local fairs. So I just haven’t really had the time to sit down and make any new bookmarks.

The first 3 Doctors I tried to record and share as much of the artistic process as I could. Recording is something I’ve struggled with figuring out so there are some parts missing here and there. 4

I haven’t drawn people faces in so long I thought that on top of being fun because it’s my favorite show that it would also be a great challenge to draw 14 faces. All of the bookmarks are made using Tombow Dual Brush Pens on watercolour paper.

The First Doctor – William Hartnell

I had an absolute blast creating this bookmark. William Hartnell is just such an icon in Doctor Who. He was the original Doctor. The First. He is the backbone the rest of the Doctors were all based on. His episodes are so pure and honest. The simplicity of the sets and costumes (bubble wrap was used often!) is something I adore. The reference photo I used is the most well-known of his photos and his general look as the Doctor. I really enjoyed trying to capture that look on his face. I created it in black and white of course, to go with the black and white look of the show in it’s 1963 – 1966 run.

The Second Doctor – Patrick Troughton

The second Doctor bookmark (portrayed by Patrick Troughton) I also created in black and white as homage to the early episodes which aired (1966 – 1969). I had some technical difficulties while recording and was only able to capture the early sketch process.

The Third Doctor – Jon Pertwee

The Third Doctor was the first one in colour and this seemed to make it more challenging for me. I decided to skip recording the sketch and just recorded the colouring process. Again, I had technical difficulties and I’m sure some parts of the process were cut off but you can’t tell watching the sped up video.

Jon Pertwee played the Doctor from 1970 – 1974.

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